It’s Spring Detox time!

Spring clean your body mind and Soul!

We all want to step in to Summer as our best selves. 

Spring is about renewal.  Stepping in to a better version of ourselves.  Lets clear out the covid cobwebs and the winter blues and put a spring in your step!

See below for a break-down of how we will roll.

It all begins with an initial consultation. We will assess where you currently are with health and come up with some specific, personalised goals to have you looking and feeling your best.

Glass of lemon water with lemons

From here you begin to prep your body.

You will commence a 2 week meal plan to prime your elimination organs for detox.

We will have a 30 minute check in to see how your body is tracking before you commence your Detox Supplement Protocol. This will last 14 - 21 days depending on the protocol.

Then it’s evaluation time.

This is your final 30 minute consult to see how you’ve done and to create a maintenance plan to keep the momentum going moving forward.

This is the beginning of a new you!

Total investment is $400 including the cost of your detox supplements.