Start your journey.

Services offered are listed below


All first time clients start with an initial consultation, this gives us the foundation, then the regular catch ups are the building blocks to your optimal health.

Details are below.

  • Woman's hands garnishing a dish of delicious healthy food

    Initial Consultation.

    LENGTH: 1.5 hours

    It all begins here. This is the starting point for all first time clients and provides the basis for all future consultations and packages. This is a comprehensive health consultation where we discuss your health concerns and what could be potentially causing them.

    Following your consultation a completely customized treatment plan is created including supplements and other holistic treatments as required as well as recipes, meal alternatives and tailored eating plans where appropriate.

    Then you can choose what package (ie how regularly you want to see me) you would like to carry on with in order to keep on top of your health & wellness.

    COST: $135

  • Person pan full of colorful vegetables

    Monthly Catch Ups.

    LENGTH: 45 mins

    Regular monthly catch up where we can review your current health and progress with your treatment plan from your initial consultation. Updated treatment plans are then given, including customized eating plans, meal alternatives, supplements and other holistic treatments where appropriate.

    Monthly catch ups are only available once you have had an initial consultation, as this is the foundation of all other treatments.

    COST: $90

  • Two people eating bowls of brightly colored vegetables

    Fortnightly Catch Ups.

    LENGTH: 30 mins

    This is my favorite service package. It is so nice to be able to keep in regular contact with clients and deal with potential issues as they arise. This is where we see the most results, where the magic really happens.

    Think of this as your motivational catch up, where I can keep you honest and accountable for your health (in a gentle and loving way of course!)

    Fortnightly catch ups are only available once you have had an initial consultation, as this is the starting point where get a proper gauge of your current health status.

    COST: $50

Got some questions?

Get in touch and we can figure out the best way forward for you.